International Conference On Cryptologic History


ICCH awarded a Golden Alice for Best Cryptographic History Event of 2020.
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Useful Links
ICCH File Drive

Archived Presentations

Here is a list of past presentations at ICCH. The most recent presentation is at the top. Click on each listing to reveal more information below, including the speaker, presentation description and to access recordings.

Note: Effort has been made to ensure that the information on each presentation is accurate and up-to-date. To suggest a correction please contact the ICCH webmaster Patrick Hayes at


More Famous and Not-so-Famous Unsolved Codes

Date & time (UTC/GMT):
December 12, 2020 5:00 PM

In October of this year, Elonka and Klaus gave an ICCH presentation about several cryptograms such as Kryptos; the D-Day pigeon message; the Debosnys murder case; and a few other unsolved crypto mysteries. However, there are many other noteworthy unsolved ciphertexts than can be covered in a 45-minute talk, so in this next presentation, the two will introduce many more spectacular unsolved codes. The stories they are going to tell include a mysterious 1953 murder case; a 32-page cryptogram from WW2; a series of encrypted inscriptions in Australia; a hidden treasure; and a telegram found in a secret pocket of a century-old dress. While some of these stories are well-known, others have yet to be covered in any academic literature or presentations. However, all of these stories have one thing in common: they include an encrypted message that has never been deciphered.

Page last updated:

January 24, 2021

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Welcome to the home page of the International Conference on Cryptologic History (ICCH).

Friedrichshafen / 2025

Welcome to the home page of the International Conference on Cryptologic History (ICCH).

Register for ICCH

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Useful Links
ICCH Portal

Crypto Tour

Archived Presentations

Here is a list of past presentations at ICCH. The most recent presentation is at the top. Click on each listing to reveal more information below, including the speaker, as well as the presentation date and description. Presentation recordings are available separately, in the ICCH Portal.

To view upcoming ICCH presentations, click here.

Note: Effort has been made to ensure that the information on each presentation is accurate and up-to-date. To suggest a correction please contact the ICCH webmaster Patrick Hayes at


More Famous and Not-so-Famous Unsolved Codes

Date & time (UTC/GMT):
December 12, 2020 5:00 PM

In October of this year, Elonka and Klaus gave an ICCH presentation about several cryptograms such as Kryptos; the D-Day pigeon message; the Debosnys murder case; and a few other unsolved crypto mysteries. However, there are many other noteworthy unsolved ciphertexts than can be covered in a 45-minute talk, so in this next presentation, the two will introduce many more spectacular unsolved codes. The stories they are going to tell include a mysterious 1953 murder case; a 32-page cryptogram from WW2; a series of encrypted inscriptions in Australia; a hidden treasure; and a telegram found in a secret pocket of a century-old dress. While some of these stories are well-known, others have yet to be covered in any academic literature or presentations. However, all of these stories have one thing in common: they include an encrypted message that has never been deciphered.

Page last updated:

January 24, 2021

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Welcome to the home page of the International Conference on Cryptologic History (ICCH).