International Conference On Cryptologic History


ICCH awarded a Golden Alice for Best Cryptographic History Event of 2020.
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Archived Presentations

Here is a list of past presentations at ICCH. The most recent presentation is at the top. Click on each listing to reveal more information below, including the speaker, presentation description and to access recordings.

Note: Effort has been made to ensure that the information on each presentation is accurate and up-to-date. To suggest a correction please contact the ICCH webmaster Patrick Hayes at


Arthur Scherbius and the First Years of the Enigma (1917 – 1929)

Date & time (UTC/GMT):
April 17, 2021 5:00 PM

Until now the early history of the cipher machines, invented during WWI, consisted of legends. There was very limited information about the inventors, the first prototypes and the activity of the different companies developing and producing the machines. The biographies of the main figures (Scherbius, Ritter, Bernstein, Korn, Rinke and Heimsoeth) were more or less replaced by some legends too. In addition, those who were researching the history of cipher machines were mainly interested in their use during the 1930s and in WWII, in enciphering and deciphering messages, especially in Bletchley Park, and in the achievements of some important persons like Alan Turing. Only a few researchers, mainly David Kahn, had tried to find some facts about the early times of cipher machines, but for some reasons he could not find the accurate information, (there existed no internet and, like other researchers, he mainly used the Federal archives – and in Germany he used the Federal archive (Bundesarchiv). There are important archives of the Länder (Landesarchiv) and other local archives. I do not know very much about Cryptology, but some time ago I became interested in the biography of the persons involved in the development of cipher machines and in the political, economic and military conditions of their work. My research is based on some documents I found in German archives. The biography of my aunt Elisabeth who had married Arthur Scherbius in 1917 was just the beginning of my work. And there too, I first did not know anything and had to find some information in the archives. More and more persons and events appeared: Arthur Scherbius and Friedrich Joseph Pungs, the first and the second husband of Elisabeth, their relatives, many persons involved in the development of the Enigma, some actions related to the secret services in Germany (Abwehr) and in Great Britain.

Page last updated:

April 20, 2021

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Welcome to the home page of the International Conference on Cryptologic History (ICCH).

Friedrichshafen / 2025

Welcome to the home page of the International Conference on Cryptologic History (ICCH).

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ICCH Portal

Crypto Tour

Archived Presentations

Here is a list of past presentations at ICCH. The most recent presentation is at the top. Click on each listing to reveal more information below, including the speaker, as well as the presentation date and description. Presentation recordings are available separately, in the ICCH Portal.

To view upcoming ICCH presentations, click here.

Note: Effort has been made to ensure that the information on each presentation is accurate and up-to-date. To suggest a correction please contact the ICCH webmaster Patrick Hayes at


Arthur Scherbius and the First Years of the Enigma (1917 – 1929)

Date & time (UTC/GMT):
April 17, 2021 5:00 PM

Until now the early history of the cipher machines, invented during WWI, consisted of legends. There was very limited information about the inventors, the first prototypes and the activity of the different companies developing and producing the machines. The biographies of the main figures (Scherbius, Ritter, Bernstein, Korn, Rinke and Heimsoeth) were more or less replaced by some legends too. In addition, those who were researching the history of cipher machines were mainly interested in their use during the 1930s and in WWII, in enciphering and deciphering messages, especially in Bletchley Park, and in the achievements of some important persons like Alan Turing. Only a few researchers, mainly David Kahn, had tried to find some facts about the early times of cipher machines, but for some reasons he could not find the accurate information, (there existed no internet and, like other researchers, he mainly used the Federal archives – and in Germany he used the Federal archive (Bundesarchiv). There are important archives of the Länder (Landesarchiv) and other local archives. I do not know very much about Cryptology, but some time ago I became interested in the biography of the persons involved in the development of cipher machines and in the political, economic and military conditions of their work. My research is based on some documents I found in German archives. The biography of my aunt Elisabeth who had married Arthur Scherbius in 1917 was just the beginning of my work. And there too, I first did not know anything and had to find some information in the archives. More and more persons and events appeared: Arthur Scherbius and Friedrich Joseph Pungs, the first and the second husband of Elisabeth, their relatives, many persons involved in the development of the Enigma, some actions related to the secret services in Germany (Abwehr) and in Great Britain.

Page last updated:

April 20, 2021

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Welcome to the home page of the International Conference on Cryptologic History (ICCH).