International Conference On Cryptologic History


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Welcome to the home page of the International Conference on Cryptologic History (ICCH).

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Useful Links
ICCH File Drive

The International Conference on Cryptologic History has members from a variety of backgrounds and areas of expertise, from cryptanalysis to cipher machines. Members are encouraged to contribute presentations to the group.

Here are the profiles of ICCH speakers. Click on each speaker image to reveal more information below, including their bio, website and presentations.

Note: Effort has been made to ensure that the information on each speaker profile is accurate and up-to-date. To suggest a correction please contact the ICCH webmaster Patrick Hayes at

Ralph Simpson

United States

Ralph Simpson worked in the computer industry for 32 years, at IBM and Cisco Systems. He is now retired and volunteers at a local history museum. He wrote a book on cipher history called, Crypto Wars: 2000 Years of Cipher Evolution. He is also an avid collector of cipher machines. Ralph lives in San Jose, California, where he hosts his Cipher History Museum.


Upcoming Presentations

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Past Presentations

Page last updated:

April 13, 2023

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Welcome to the home page of the International Conference on Cryptologic History (ICCH).

Friedrichshafen / 2025

Welcome to the home page of the International Conference on Cryptologic History (ICCH).

Register for ICCH

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Useful Links
ICCH Portal

Crypto Tour


The International Conference on Cryptologic History has members from a variety of backgrounds and areas of expertise, from cryptanalysis to cipher machines. Members are encouraged to contribute presentations to the group.

Here are the profiles of ICCH speakers. Click on each speaker image to reveal more information below, including their bio, website and presentations.

Note: Effort has been made to ensure that the information on each speaker profile is accurate and up-to-date. To suggest a correction please contact the ICCH webmaster Patrick Hayes at

Ralph Simpson

United States

Ralph Simpson worked in the computer industry for 32 years, at IBM and Cisco Systems. He is now retired and volunteers at a local history museum. He wrote a book on cipher history called, Crypto Wars: 2000 Years of Cipher Evolution. He is also an avid collector of cipher machines. Ralph lives in San Jose, California, where he hosts his Cipher History Museum.

Page last updated:

April 13, 2023

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Welcome to the home page of the International Conference on Cryptologic History (ICCH).